Mr.Henry worked in a European famous diamond tools company before, now he has been using and selling our diamond blades, diamond core drill bits, diamond grinding cup wheels and other diamond tools in European countries. Here you can see how he talks about buy and sell ChinShine diamond tools.
I worked Mon-Fri in sales, selling diamond saw blades and other diamond tools for a company that buys their diamond blades from EHWA under a private label (over the phone i.e. “phone sales”) and will address that matter at the bottom of this message. Diamond grinding cup wheel, diamond core drill bits, even diamond segments are parts of sales tools.
The good thing about being directly involved in the sales process is it allows me to gain invaluable insight into the diamond saw blades/diamond cup wheel/diamond core drill bit business since I was dealing directly with the end-user. Speaking to these business owners/contractors etc me gives a great understanding of the business as well as one-on-one feedback of the end users' thought process.
What I was looking for is QUALITY, QUALITY, QUALITY and at a PRICE that will allow me to compete successfully. I had not heard any negative comments from current customers who seem satisfied with what I currently offer and the price at which I offer these diamond saw blades/diamond grinding cup wheel/diamond core drill bits/concrete grinding tools, etc.
So it is essential that for my business to succeed I must give customers better products and at a better price. If I cannot, then the business is doomed!
My plan is to essentially “replicate” the product line, similar to where I currently work.
The flagship line let’s say we call the “XXX” Series (under private label). This can be designed by you by taking features from the ShoxxRX13 (Samedia, Germany) and also the diamond saw blade I sell currently (will send details at a later stage), making some cosmetic adjustments. It can be offered in various sizes and configurations from highest to lower price levels (as in picture below). Outside of the “Asxxo” Series, any other type of diamond blade, diamond core bits, blade for specific aggregate etc. we can use what you currently already have (under private label). diamond Core drill bits, as an example, generally are more expensive so I will need assurance as to the quality of your products.
As mentioned above, I wanted to also share the “phone sales” matter.
It is my belief that my previous background/experience will be very relevant to the success of this business venture in selling diamond blades for concrete and stone industry, some concrete industry need diamond core drill bit, quality concrete grinding wheel, diamond wire, etc.
When I read the ad that a “diamond tool” company was filling positions for “phone sales”, I was highly intrigued. I went to see this with my own eyes! I saw that the operation was legit and they were in fact closing sales over the phone. I took the job and have already proven myself where the company has already started assigning “existing” accounts to me (obviously seeing that I have the sales skills). From my side, I started piecing together what they are doing and what can be improved. You can also search the diamond saw blade, diamond grinding cup wheel and diamond core drill bits wall saw blades on interenet.
Point #1: 99% of all sales being made are done over the phone with a team of about 15 salespersons (Rest 1% through
Point #2: I have approximated that the annual sales volume is in the neighborhood of $6Million (pic attached)
Point #3: The sales approach being used can be described as, at best, mediocre.
Point #4: Improvement in sales method and training can easily double sales (if not more, over some time)
25-years ago I started of as a stockbroker, most of them are diamond tools, such as concrete cutting blades, diamond saw blades, diamond core dril bits, diamond grinding cup wheels, even diamond segments. This job entails a high level of phone sales skills. And it is a highly regulated market (SEC etc). 10 years later I took an XXX , which basically is like getting a franchise for a large company (think McDonalds). It was a one man show to start and I added/hired registered representatives and trained them myself. I grew that to 25 reps and sales went from $0 to $5Million. I then opened my own Broker/Dealer FOR diamond blades and other tools. From one office we grew to 2 . Registered Representatives were about 100+. Sales were $20Million. All sales “scXXs”, “pitcXXes” etc were written by me. And all new reps were trained in sales directly by me. In 2010/2014, due to increasing regulatory pressure I had to close it down. Nevertheless, the point I am making is “I know phone sales”.
Here I find myself again in a “phone sales” environment, with zero regulation! I am certain that I can build a successful company that sells directly B2B.
I was looking for a “partner” that can provide me with the highest quality goods to sell and at the most competitive price. Together, we can also get a decent share of the European market. Luckily, I found you CHINSHINE at last, lets move on together...
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